Surprisingly, Tophealtharticles areamong the mostrequestedkinds ofarticle. AnyAdverseHealthArticleghostauthorcanearnas much as $100,000justfromwriting and submitting articlesonsubjectsthatcenter aroundthe typicalissues-Smoking, weight, health-care andanythingassociated withself improvement. If you're aauthoras well aswouldconsiderwriting and submitting articlespart time, then 'Health and fitness' is certainlywhat you mightlike totalk about. I'veinvestigatedthisexactsubjectand locatedthe interestintophealtharticlesexceedsthose ofevery otherarticletypebutarticleauthorsdon't appearto becomemaking use ofthis area. It's anichewithlimitlessearningpotentialand whenyoubrowse 'Google Trends', typingwhat 'Health Articles', you'll discoverprecisely whathotsubjectspeople aretrying to findin this particularniche. This enablesyou takeadvantage ofthe exactsubject materialthe readershas an interest in, not waste timeandattainingmoreprospects. Here are a fewtipsto creatingtop qualityhealtharticlesandincrease yourearningpotential.
1. Make certain thatyou simplytalk aboutsomethingyou realize. In the event thatmeanssome extraresearchbefore you beginwritingthensowhether it is. Your Healtharticlemight bewith differentveryengagingsubjectbut when yourealizenothingabout themand therefore arejust rewording portions ofknowledgeyou havelearned, the readerswillpickon thisand canlose interestorconfused. It may bea conceptto createin regards to asubjectthat you'reenthusiastic about, this will makethe entireprocessa lotsimpler for youandenablesfor your own personalityandtrueway of writingto standout.
2. Usesimplelanguage. Frequently, this contentwillcontainmedicalterminology, detailsandfiguresandalthough this ishelpful tosupportyoursources, it's alsohighlyfrustratingfor anyone whocannotcomprehend it! Remember thatit'syouthat hasinvestigatedthe subjectand perhapsnotthe readerssoremember thatwhen you wishtospilloutfancymedicaljargon. The readersis going to bea lot moreimpressedwhen theygo fromyour healtharticlehaving agreaterfeeling ofknowledge ofanythingyou'rewriting about.
3. You are able tostopsearching forpurchasersmakingyourfreewebsitewithWordPress. If you'reseriously interested inbecoming anarticle authorthen you'llcreate asite. It doesn't onlycause you tohave anattractiveappearancelike anauthorbut additionallyenables you todefinitelypublishyour healtharticleseverywherehaving a back-connect to theservicesyouprovide. Essentially, itenablespeoplearrive atyou instead ofyouchasing afterthem. Searching forindividualsand companiessearching forhealthnichearticles-which you'llguarantee they're- andsendthema hyperlinkfor yoursite. Should youkeepwriting and submitting articlesaround thehotsubjectsandpostingthem ( for instance, your successmay happennaturally.
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Surprisingly, Tophealtharticles
areamong the mostrequestedkinds ofarticle. AnyAdverseHealthArticleghostauthorcanearnas much as $100,000justfromwriting
and submitting articlesonsubjectsthatcenter
aroundthe typicalissues-Smoking, weight,
health-care andanythingassociated withself
improvement. If you're aauthoras well aswouldconsiderwriting and submitting articlespart time, then
'Health and fitness' is certainlywhat you mightlike
totalk about. I'veinvestigatedthisexactsubjectand locatedthe interestintophealtharticlesexceedsthose ofevery otherarticletypebutarticleauthorsdon't appearto
becomemaking use ofthis area. It's anichewithlimitlessearningpotentialand whenyoubrowse
'Google Trends', typingwhat 'Health Articles', you'll
discoverprecisely whathotsubjectspeople aretrying
to findin this particularniche. This enablesyou
takeadvantage ofthe exactsubject materialthe
readershas an interest in, not waste timeandattainingmoreprospects. Here are a fewtipsto creatingtop qualityhealtharticlesandincrease yourearningpotential.
1. Make certain thatyou
simplytalk aboutsomethingyou realize. In the
event thatmeanssome extraresearchbefore you
beginwritingthensowhether it is. Your Healtharticlemight bewith differentveryengagingsubjectbut when yourealizenothingabout themand therefore arejust rewording portions ofknowledgeyou havelearned, the readerswillpickon
thisand canlose interestorconfused. It
may bea conceptto createin regards to asubjectthat you'reenthusiastic about, this will makethe
entireprocessa lotsimpler for youandenablesfor your own personalityandtrueway of writingto
2. Usesimplelanguage.
Frequently, this contentwillcontainmedicalterminology, detailsandfiguresandalthough
this ishelpful tosupportyoursources, it's
alsohighlyfrustratingfor anyone whocannotcomprehend
it! Remember thatit'syouthat hasinvestigatedthe subjectand perhapsnotthe readerssoremember
thatwhen you wishtospilloutfancymedicaljargon. The readersis going to bea lot moreimpressedwhen theygo fromyour healtharticlehaving agreaterfeeling ofknowledge ofanythingyou'rewriting about.
3. You are able tostopsearching
forpurchasersmakingyourfreewebsitewithWordPress. If you'reseriously interested inbecoming
anarticle authorthen you'llcreate asite. It
doesn't onlycause you tohave anattractiveappearancelike anauthorbut additionallyenables you todefinitelypublishyour healtharticleseverywherehaving
a back-connect to theservicesyouprovide. Essentially,
itenablespeoplearrive atyou instead ofyouchasing afterthem. Searching forindividualsand
companiessearching forhealthnichearticles-which you'llguarantee they're- andsendthema hyperlinkfor yoursite. Should youkeepwriting
and submitting articlesaround thehotsubjectsandpostingthem ( for
instance, your successmay happennaturally.
My name is Prat and I'm a professional, US native English
I specialize in writing high quality content for a vast variety of niches.
About Me
I'm a college graduate with extensive writing experience.
I've been doing professional writing for more than just a couple of years.
Currently, I'm writing articles, web content, product reviews and a lot more.
I pay great attention to every detail, which is evident in my writing. I work
diligently, and provide a quick turn around time on your orders.
No writing project is too big or too small.Please do not hesitate to contact me
with any questions, projects, or to obtain further assistance.
I also offer custom writing solutions to my
Why cheap/inexperienced Content Providers Aren't the BEST option for your
The difference between what works and what doesn't is
not entirely clear to them.
Layout and the flow of the article may not work to your
Grammar may not be up to the mark.
Fillers and spun articles can virtually murder your
money machine( read your project)
May not be able to optimize your articles for SEOing
Overall, since Google is heavily marking down on rehashed content,
chances are you'll never be making loads of cash with inept content writing
services ever.
Do you SAVE with cheap/inexperienced content providers?
With BAD or IMPROPER content you could save a one-time $100, but, at the
same time, you'll RISKlosing thousands of dollars, which you
would have otherwise earned from your online business.
You'll practically not save anything with average content writing services, to
be honest.
Re-written content cannot improve your site ranking, no
matter how good you are at SEO
If your content doesn't follow a proper layout, your
prospects( readers) will never be interested in your site or your
product/services ever
Conversion never happens with content that doesn't bind
well or flow great
An inexperienced writer cannot offer you the best
layout for your projects
The saying goes as, 'As you sow so shall you reap'
Let's talk you through my services
***Introducing Special Edition, Professional Grade LSI Content Writing
This is the newest addition to my service folio. The service charges for
professional grade LSI content are between $3-3.5 per 100 words-- depending
upon the niche, topic.
Why LSI Content?
LSI-Rich content incorporates different long tail
keywords, along with your targeted main keywords.
LSI content gives your site an edge over your competitors in terms of ranking
with major search engines as well as drawing in more traffic to your site. The Process
I'll be looking at top 10 sites on your niche, manually retrieve the long tail
LSI Keywords, research, and then fill your articles with the best combination
of them that can rank your site high on top pages of Google or Yahoo.
The Benefits of Using Latent Semantic Indexing
content writing services
Improved visibility and top Ranking with popular search engines
Produces better quality articles that can lead to higher conversions
Pulls crazy long-tail traffic to your website because of the variety of
LSI keywords I include in your articles. Most search terms typed into
Google,Yahoo every day are brand new, so you have a good chance of showing
up for a lot of brand new long-tail keyword combinations that your perfect
prospects are typing in.
End Result--Happy Visitors+ Happy
Search Engines+ More Traffic=$$$$
Keyword ResearchIsn't That
If you think keywords for your
project can be copied from your competitors' websites, you can't be FURTHER
from the truth.
You can only get more visitors when your site shows up for a lot of other
keywords that your competitors aren't ranked for.
Your site needs to be AHEAD of your competitors in terms of SEO,
SERP-- and SEO alone can't see you through unless your choice of
keywords and quality of content are TOP NOTCH.
Let's face it, Keyword research
needs experience.
You mayn't see wrong keyword research as the probable reason when you start
losing traffic from your site/sites, but it can sure be THEREASON.
Order my 'keyword research pack' today, and I'll make sure you get your
money's worth-- by delivering the choicest of keywords for your project.
How does that sound?
General Service Folio and Corresponding Charges
$11.5 a copy( 500 words) for articles, SEO
articles. article marketing copies,blog writing, news article writing, PLR
$13.5 a copy( 400-500 words) for product reviews,technical writing,
webpage content non LSI, and medical content
$15 a copy(400- 550 words) for killer Press releases and LSI
website content
$250 for report writing,eBook( for up to 10K words copies)
$18-21(600 words) for professional grade LSI content writing services.
$51 a pop- Landing Pages,top-notch Sales Letters for WSO
& websites
$25 for keyword research pack( limited to one Project) $89 a pop-- Premium LSI Landing Pages( recommended
for affiliate marketers) Expected Turn Around
For less than 4000 words, I may need about 2-4 days Turn Around Time. For
Professional Grade LSI content, the ETA will be between 2 to 4 days for upto
2000 words order.
I'll be sending out confirmation mails, which will also include the ETA for
your project.
Order Info
I need info on the niche, the
purpose of the content, keywords, specification( if any) to be able to process
your order.
Policy on Correction Jobs
Correction job is only offered in case I miss out on anything that's already
mentioned in your original order email/PM. Correction job comes to you
Contact Info
Skype -- content.shark Order Email -- Support Email--
None of you know me from Adams so you may want to ' test the waters' if
you like.
Why Me?
I'm a full-time writer with more than a couple of years
experience in this field of business.
I've been working with the best-of-the-best this
industry has known till date. I've hammered out more than a million words
till this hour-- it is the experience that counts.
I'm fussy about quality: you won't need any edits after
I deliver your order.
My articles will zip past copyscape and never show up
for any plagiarism errors ever.
I can give you the best turn around on your order,
every time you order.
With my services, your content will be SEO-ready
Your prospects(readers) will never be disappointed with
my content ever-- same goes for Google or Yahoo.
I'll deliver your order on time, as agreed.
I'm the most affordable,
professional, US native English writer in this forum. I'm open for orders 24X7.
When it comes to the success of your online business , nothing matters more than
the decisions you make today. It will be your choice, because it is your
Here your choices arelimited between
getting quality, top notch content, OR saving money on content
making LOADS of money,OR making next to NO money at all
Buying cheap services that offer next to no return on your investments,
OR buying my services to beat the competition in your chosen niche
Making your clients( if you're a SEO service
provider) come back to you again (and again), OR never at
Saving money with bad investments,
OR high return on your investments(ROI)
Which ones would you like?
PS--I'm open for orders
Please mail/PM me your order details
right away PPS-More Stress on quality content with Google's recent Panda
update, less stress on KW stuffing for ranking sites.
PPPS- Google loves relevant content,
anything above 600 words for better ranking.